Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy of Kiticonic

Kiticonic will deploy cookies on its website to provide our visitors with an even better experience while visiting our website. Our cookies help in understanding how visitors interact with our site, allowing us to improve and deliver a more tailored browsing experience. This policy explains how we use cookies, what kind of information is collected, and your options regarding these cookies.

What are Cookies?

Cookies: Cookies are small files that the website writes onto your device during visitation. They help remember preferences and make your future visits easier and more effective. No access to personal information or data stored in the device.

Cookies - Uses

We use cookies to:

  1. Anonymous information about how visitors interact with the website
  2. Website performance monitoring for improvement in user activity.
  3. To customize your browsing experience, remember your preferences on subsequent visits.
  4. Cookies may contain information such as your browsing history on our site, preferences for some content, and whether you have accepted or refused our cookie use.

    Types of Cookies We Use

    1. Session Cookies The cookie will expire once you leave our website. It helps with very simple features on the website such as navigating between pages and to access our content.
    2. Persistent Cookies They remain on your machine for a period of time and help you remember your preferences, making that subsequent visit all the easier to navigate.
    3. Third-Party Cookies Our site may also make use of third-party services like analytics to gather information about general user activity. These third-party services may set their own cookie on your device, which you should refer to their separate cookie policy.

    Your Choices About Cookies

    One can switch on or off cookie's functionality by altering the settings of his browser in order to accept or decline cookies. Also, he can delete those cookies anytime. However, note that disabled other types of cookies would affect the functionality of the website, and some functions might not work at all or would not be working as expected.

    Changes to This Policy

    We might make some adjustments to this Cookies Policy from time to time to accommodate new legal requirements or changes to our practice. These will be published on this page and so we recommend that you regularly check this section.

    Contact Us

    If you have any questions about our Cookies Policy, or how we set cookies on our website, please contact us at [email protected].